Whether and how you can change or cancel your booking depends on the vendor and the selected price category.

We recommend checking the cancellation and exchange policy on the vendor's website before purchasing a ticket. Below is a list of the conditions of various vendors.

Often, a surcharge applies and you can only make a change/cancellation (free of charge) up to a deadline. There may also be restrictions, such as changing only the date and time but not the connection.

On nightride.com, we group the price categories of the different providers into reduced, semi-flexible and flexible:

  • Reduced: mostly non-refundable/postponable
  • Semi-flexible: limited refundable/postponable up to a specific date, usually a surcharge applies
  • Flexible: can be cancelled or changed free of charge or for a small fee until shortly before departure.

Find the best night train for you.

The cancellation and exchange policy of some vendors (as of August 2022):

This blog post is part of our «FAQ Night Train» series. Here, you'll find all the valuable tips and tricks we've collected on many night train journeys.

Do you have feedback or an idea for another blog post? Write us an e-mail at info@nightride.com.